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Page 18


  DR. JAMIE TALKS SEX…and Manhattan Listens!

  Darlene Whittaker took a deep drag of her cigarette outside the offices of WXNT Talk Radio and stared at the face on the billboard across the way. Dr. Jamie Hampton was the newest “It” girl in Manhattan, the topic of conversations from the Bowery to the Bronx. Beautiful, brilliant, radical Dr. Jamie.

  Darlene hated the no-smoking laws in New York that had forced her outside and cursed the mayor and all the voters at least once a day. She missed her local bar, where she used to drink tequila shooters with beer chasers and go through about a half a pack a night. Damn, those were good times.

  She was here on a hunch. The article had been her idea. It was also her idea to interview Dr. Jamie on the air. The good doctor hadn’t wanted to, but her station manager Fred Holt had insisted. Holt was many things, but stupid wasn’t one of them. The national exposure Dr. Jamie would get with the article was going to help get her syndicated, and that’s where the big bucks were. Dr. Laura, Howard Stern, Delilah—they all made a fortune for four hours on the air, five days a week. Nice work if you could get it.

  Unless, of course, Darlene’s hunch was right, in which case the ensuing scandal would get Dr. Jamie a one-way ticket to obscurity, and Darlene about ten grand more per article.

  She just wished she could be sure.

  She focused on the billboard again. Even fifty feet wide Jamie still looked tiny. Didn’t the woman know the waif look was dead? With that short dark hair and those huge dark eyes, she came across as Little Miss Innocent—which was the hook. Just like the sign said, she talked sex and Manhattan listened. Straight answers, no euphemisms, no giggling. She told women they could have sex like men, and the women were eating it up. She had the number-one show in her market, and she was the number-one topic around watercoolers and in lunchrooms.

  Darlene snorted. She’d seen ’em come and go, and Dr. Jamie wasn’t going to be around very long. She was like a pet rock or a lava lamp. A sparkler on the Fourth of July. The trick for Darlene was to catch the light while it flared and turn the sparkler into a Roman candle. Darlene would be the one to light the match, and Jamie would burn.

  Jamie’s eyes, almond-shaped, deep brown, with what had to be fake lashes, stared down from the billboard with all the innocence of a lamb before the slaughter. When Darlene was through with her, Jamie would be knocked off that perch of hers and she’d have to face life among the great unwashed. Hell, Darlene was doing her a favor. Toughening her up for real life. Especially life in New York City.

  God bless research. If Darlene hadn’t found Jamie’s old roommate in college, if she hadn’t gone all the way to Buffalo to do the interview in person, if Dianna Poplar hadn’t dropped just enough hints about the sex doctor…this article would have been about as interesting as a night at the Laundromat. But a scandal—that changed everything. That sold magazines. And that meant the kind of money Darlene deserved. The kind that would get her out of her hideous apartment and into something decent.

  That she was able to dethrone the current queen of New York was an extra bonus. The cherry on top. Jamie was so much like all the girls Darlene had gone to college with—beautiful, bright, successful without any effort. What had Jamie done, really, to deserve this job? Gotten her degree? Big deal. Darlene had a degree, and she wasn’t about to go on the radio and say she was an expert on sex.

  Jamie was a fraud. And Darlene was going to prove it.

  The roar of a beefed-up motorcycle caught her attention, and she watched a guy on a Harley glide into a brilliantly lit parking space next to the Dumpster. She couldn’t see much of him—just his leather jacket, the worn jeans, the boots and the black helmet. But as she stared, he got off the bike, took off his helmet and shook his hair free. It was longish, below his collar. Then, as if he sensed her watching him, he looked over. She was too far away to see the details of his face, but she knew who he was.

  Chase Newman. The race-car driver. Another one of the beautiful people who showed up at all the right parties and were paraded on the pages of magazines like Vanity Fair with other gorgeous rich people. She happened to know that People had tried to dub him Sexiest Man Alive, and he’d told the magazine to go to hell. She had to give him credit.

  He turned to lock up his bike, and the short hairs on the back of her neck rose. It was her own personal radar system. There was a story here. What, she didn’t know yet. But the short hairs were never wrong.

  She narrowed her gaze as she studied him. The way he moved, the way he stood, shouted confidence, sensuality, raw male energy. The kind of charisma that beguiled the most jaded hearts. Even she hadn’t been immune. She’d met him at a fundraiser—some kid thing, or maybe pets. She’d wanted to do an article on him then, but she couldn’t find a hook. If she could figure out a way to combine the Dr. Jamie story with a guy…especially a guy like Newman.

  She’d seen it before, although not terribly often. Mostly there were wannabes, men who swaggered and flexed and flashed their money around for all to see. But when the real thing came along, everyone knew it. There were some men who commanded attention. Respect. Who made a person want to breathe the same air, or at the very least stand in their shadow. Who owned the room, and all the women in it. The ladies fell in love with a man like that after even the briefest exposure—like it was some kind of virus. She’d seen it a thousand times. Women falling all over themselves to be near a man with that kind of charisma. Believing some of it would rub off on them.

  Oh, yeah. Chase Newman would be perfect to put into this piece, if only she could find a way. Something about Chase and this station niggled at the edge of her consciousness. What was it? As she reached for another cigarette, she glanced at her watch and swore. She’d better get inside. Dr. Jamie was waiting. She hurried inside to the smoke-free air of the most popular talk-show radio station in the five boroughs, New Jersey and parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont.

  “OKAY, BOYS AND GIRLS,” Dr. Jamie Hampton said into the mike. Her favorite mug was filled with green tea, and her notes were stacked neatly in front of her. “With me now is Darlene Whittaker, from Vanity Fair magazine. She’s going to interview me right here, right now, up close and personal. And a little later, you’ll get your chance to ask me some questions, too.” She turned to her guest, outfitted with fresh coffee and her own set of headphones. “So, Darlene. What can I tell you?”

  “You’re a lot younger than I thought you’d be.”

  God, she was tired of that comment. “Twenty-seven on my next birthday.”

  “Is the title real? Or does your first name happen to be ‘Doctor’?”

  Jamie laughed, already hating the woman. It wasn’t Whittaker’s looks. She’d dressed in Manhattan gothic, with horn-rimmed glasses, a head of curly, unkempt black hair, a black tunic over black jeans, and red lipstick so bright she probably stopped traffic. The look was too passé, but that wasn’t it. The way Whittaker looked at her was another story. Something wicked was brewing inside the reporter. Something devious. “The title is real. I got my PhD in human sexuality at NYU.”


  “Two years ago.”

  “At twenty-four?”

  “Yep. I started college at sixteen, got my master’s degree at twenty-one.”

  “Wow. That’s some accomplishment. So, it was while you were a doctoral candidate that you started the radio show on campus?”

  “Right. The Sex Hour. We broadcast from the campus radio station, and the show got pretty popular.”

  “Isn’t it true that the reason you were so popular is that you’re a female version of Howard Stern? Outrageous just for the sake of shocking your audience?”

  “Well, I suppose that could be true if one considers the truth shocking.”

  “The truth?”

  “I talk about sex. With all the weirdness that implies. Kinky sex, normal sex—whatever that is—solo sex, monogamous sex, safe sex. Sex on the beach, and in the kitchen.”

/>   “And the Woman’s League of Decency has tried to shut you down because all you do is promote sex to teenagers.”

  “I wouldn’t know about the Women’s League of whatever, but I do know our demographics. Most of our listeners are in their twenties and thirties.”

  “The attempt to get you off the air has been in all the papers for the past six months. Don’t you read the Times?”

  “I skip over the boring articles.”

  Whittaker gave her a sarcastic smile. Damn Fred for making her do this. Sure, she wanted to be syndicated, but the show should speak for itself.

  “When was the last time you talked about chastity?”

  “Two days ago. I encouraged a caller to keep her knees together unless she was walking. Does that count?”

  “But then tonight you taught a woman how to masturbate!”

  “Someone had to.”

  “What are all the religious leaders going to say?”

  “Thank you?” Jamie looked through the five-inch plate-glass window in front of the room, and met the gaze of her producer, Marcy Davis. Marcy’s left brow arched as she fought a smile. Then Cujo, whose real name was Walter Weinstein, gave her the signal to go to commercial. “We’ve got Darlene Whittaker here from Vanity Fair, doing a live interview. This is Dr. Jamie, and we’ll be right back.”

  She turned to her guest as she took off her headphones. “Having fun?”

  Whittaker extracted her headphones from the forest of black hair. “Do I have time to go to the john?”

  “Sure do. We’ve got a whole five minutes of commercials.”

  Whittaker crossed the room and struggled with the heavy soundproof door. Once she was out, Marcy walked in.

  “So far, so good.”

  After checking to make sure no microphones were live, Jamie turned to her producer. Marcy was the best, and Jamie thanked the radio gods every day that Marcy had been the one to bring her over to WXNT. At forty-two, she bitched about being the old lady of the station, which was technically true, but no one cared except Marcy.

  “You know,” Marcy said, “I really like her sense of color. She’s a summer, don’t you think?”

  Jamie put her finger to her lips. “She could be right outside the door.”

  “So what?” Marcy fell into the guest’s chair. “This was a stupid idea.”

  “You won’t get an argument from me.”

  “You’re doing great. But I don’t like that it’s live. It’s not fair.”

  “Since when did fair enter the picture? Either she’ll write the truth or not. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter, does it?”

  Marcy shook her head. “Of course it matters. This is radio, sweetie—where numbers rule the day and the only thing you can count on is change. You need this article to be good, or at least provocative. A good scandal wouldn’t hurt at all.”

  “Oh man, you’re serious, aren’t you?”

  Marcy nodded, but something in the other room had captured her attention. Jamie knew what it was as soon as she glanced over. Ted Kagan, the DJ who came on after Jamie, was talking to Cujo. Ted was a sweetheart, and it didn’t hurt that he was also deliciously gorgeous. Marcy hadn’t ever said anything, but Jamie knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that her producer had the hots for him. And Jamie also knew that Marcy wouldn’t do anything about it because Ted was thirty. As if that mattered. Love was love and, unless one of the participants was under eighteen, age didn’t mean squat.


  She didn’t respond. Not for a few seconds, at least. Then she turned to look at Jamie. “What?”

  “He’s a doll, isn’t he?”

  Marcy’s cheeks got pink. “Who?”

  “Okay. Have it your way. But you do realize I’m an expert on relationships.”

  Marcy stood up. “Right. And let’s see…your last relationship was when, exactly?”

  “A person doesn’t have to die to be a pathologist.”

  “Nice analogy, except that it has nothing to do with the subject at hand. I’ve known you over a year, missy, and I haven’t seen you go on a date even once.”

  “I’ve been busy.”

  “Busy, my ass. You’re a workaholic, and you know it.”

  Jamie relaxed. She could live with that diagnosis. “I know. And I’m trying to ease up. It’s difficult.”

  “That’s another load of garbage. Have you made any plans for your vacation?”

  She shook her head.

  “Well, if you don’t, I will. I’m thinking Tahiti.”

  Jamie glanced at her panel. She donned her headphones and pressed her on-air button. “Welcome back to WXNT. I’m Dr. Jamie, and I’m being interviewed by Darlene Whittaker of Vanity Fair magazine. But first, are you tired of waking up with a sore back?”

  Marcy sighed as she pulled open the booth door. It seemed to get heavier every day. Just as she got it open wide enough to walk through, Whittaker turned the hall corner and rushed past her without so much as a thanks. Rude, rude, rude. But then, so many people were these days.

  She glanced in the production booth. Ted was still there. God, he was so yummy. Tall, slender, blond—he had the words “golden boy” written all over him. He was also one of the nicest men she’d ever met, and if she didn’t stop dreaming about him, she’d have to shoot herself.

  It didn’t help that his divorce had come through two months ago, and that he was actually starting to show some interest in dating. She’d never survive watching him parade sweet young things through the office.

  She really should ask him out. Just take the bull by the horns. Put it all out on the table. Jamie was always talking about how women let fear stop them from having fun. That they should have the same opportunities as men when it came to recreational sex. And that there was no point in beating around the bush. If she wanted to hop in the sack with Ted, she should simply walk up to him and ask. Go for it, as Jamie was so fond of saying.

  Oh, please. She could barely look at the man without blushing like a twelve-year-old.

  She sighed as she headed toward the production-booth door. The phones would start lighting up any second, and she wanted to get a real good mix on the line.

  Ted was looking at a newspaper when she walked in, and he didn’t even glance at her as she took her seat by the phone. The computer to her right was her link to Jamie. Once she got a caller, she’d type the name, age, location, and the gist of what he or she wanted to say. Most nights, the phones never stopped. Tonight was no exception, which was good. She needed to be too busy to think. She slid on her cordless phone receiver and pressed line one.

  DARLENE KNEW SHE WAS losing ground. Dr. Jamie was a lot more poised than she should have been, especially at her age. Twenty-six, and already the top-rated DJ in New York. Shit. At twenty-six, Darlene had been in college, an English major with no boyfriends, no girlfriends and an eating disorder.

  Of course, Jamie was prettier in person than in her publicity photos. Pouty lips, perky tits and, come on, couldn’t she at least have one pimple to even the score? No. Pimples were for women like Darlene. In the article, she’d prob ably describe Jamie’s skin as alabaster. Flawless. The bitch.

  “If you don’t mind, Darlene, I’m going to take a call.”

  Darlene nodded, wishing she’d had a chance to smoke during that last commercial.

  “This is Lorraine from Queens.” Jamie hit a button, and Darlene could hear a little static on the headphones.

  “Dr. Jamie?”

  “That’s me. Do you have a question?”

  “Yeah, well… Yeah.”

  “Go on. I don’t bite.”

  “The other night, you were talking to Kelly from Point Washington about how she got seduced by this guy—”

  “She let herself be seduced.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s the part I wanted to talk about.”

  “The idea that no woman can be seduced unless she wants to be?”


  “I don’t know. I mean, there’s this guy at work. Steve. He is so gorgeous, and he’s funny and sexy. You know what I’m talking about. He’s one of those men who can have any woman he wants.”

  “No man can have any woman he wants.”

  “But, like, I’ve got a boyfriend, and I don’t mean to say I did anything with Steve, but I sure thought about it. I don’t like to admit it, but if he’d asked, I’d have said yes.”

  “Why? What is it about Steve that makes him so irresistible?”

  “I don’t know. He’s really good-looking.”

  “So you’d have sex with all really good-looking men if they asked you?”

  Lorraine laughed. “No.”

  “Then it must be something else.”

  “Okay. The way he looks at a person. It’s like, uh… I don’t know. It’s like he sees right inside me.”

  “Great. He knows how to focus. Have you slept with every man who focused solely on you?”

  “No. But that’s mostly ’cause no one ever has. Not like Steve.”

  “I admit, being paid attention to is flattering, but it’s no reason to drop your drawers. What else?”

  “I don’t know. I swear. It’s just a combination of things, I guess. The way he walks and smiles. When he comes into my office, I can hardly breathe. It’s like he’s magic or something.”

  “He’s not magic. He’s just self-assured. He knows he can make women swoon, so he does.”

  “I’ll say.”

  “Here’s the thing, Lorraine. If you wanted to sleep with him, far be it from me to tell you what to do. Go for it. If you don’t want to sleep with him, don’t. But don’t lie to yourself and say you were seduced. There’s no such thing. Seduction is an excuse for behavior you know is inappropriate.”

  “It’s a pretty damn good excuse.”

  Now it was Jamie who laughed. “Just be strong. Know you have a right to choose. Tell the truth to yourself and you’ll be fine.”

  “So, you’ve never been seduced?”

  “Nope. I haven’t. Not even once.”

  Darlene got a little shiver, and said, “You don’t think chemicals have anything to do with it? Pheromones? That a woman can get swept away?”