Sexy Ms. Takes Read online

Page 5

  He didn’t react.

  “I know there’s a sense of humor in there somewhere.”

  “Nothing’s very funny.”

  “I wonder…”

  He finally looked at her. “What?”

  “I bet I can make you laugh.”

  He almost rolled his eyes at her, but stopped just in time. “Don’t bother.”

  “Is there something you can do to change the situation right now?” she asked.

  “You know there’s not.”

  “Then get over it.”

  His mouth opened, but no words followed.

  “Seriously. People change their moods all the time. Look at me. I’ve lost my shot at stardom. I’m trapped in a lunatic’s basement with a depressed cop. You don’t see me moaning about it.”

  “You’ve been moaning since the cab.”

  “With good reason,” she snapped. But no, she wasn’t going to go there again. “For now, the only thing I can control is me. I choose not to wallow. I choose to eat bread and cheese, drink wine and try for a few laughs. I might even eat a cookie.”

  “Right. You’re one of those people.”

  He wasn’t making this easy. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing. Eat.”

  She put a bit of cheese on a bit of bread. The combination was as delicious as advertised. Another bite seconded her opinion, and she ignored the sourpuss next to her as she tried to practice what she’d just preached.

  By the time she’d finished her half glass of wine, she’d made a decision. It was bold. It was crazy. But what the hell, right? She was the master of her destiny, and dammit, she was going to have a good New Year’s Eve if it killed both of them.

  JOHN FINISHED OFF HIS food, then picked up his wine. Being drunk, for all its hazards, seemed like a better idea than being sober. There was enough vino to help him forget everything about this screwed-up day, but he’d stop before that. Even when he was being held hostage, he couldn’t let go of the job. And that made everything worse.

  He watched Bella as he drank. She looked better. Not so pale, and she wasn’t shaking anymore. He wished he could explain things to her. How terrible he felt causing her to lose her big chance. How he understood, because he’d lost his chance at stardom, too. His own family had effectively derailed his career. He’d had plans. Not just in the department, either. He’d given serious thought to politics. He didn’t have to bother now. This stain wasn’t gonna wash out.“Why’d you become a cop?” Bella sipped her own wine and then leaned forward a bit, waiting for his reply.

  “Temporary insanity?”

  “Come on. I’m serious. Is your father a cop?”

  “Nope. No one in my family. Mostly, the Grecos of the Bronx are in transportation. Trucking, to be exact. My father, my grandfather and some of my smarter cousins own a small fleet. Mostly milk runs from upstate.”

  “But you decided driving wasn’t for you?”

  “Never saw the appeal.”

  “Why police work?”

  He shrugged. “I had an idea about what it would be like. A friend of mine from Our Lady of Mercy, his dad was a homicide detective. We thought it was exciting and like the TV shows, you know? As I got older and saw what was happening here, all the crime and the drugs, I decided being a police officer wouldn’t be such a bad life. It’s nothing like the TV shows, just so you know. Nothing.”

  “Very little is,” she said. “If you knew what you know now, would you make a different choice?”

  He snorted. “Hell, yeah.”

  “Really? What would you choose?”

  “I’d be born to rich parents,” he said. “Into a sane family. And I sure as hell wouldn’t spend my days getting shot at, that’s for sure.”

  “It’s also complete bullshit.”


  “I’m the one who should be insulted. We’re in a hostage situation and you can’t even bother to tell the truth.”

  “What truth? I’m a civil servant who used to have unrealistic ambitions. I’ve been schooled. The end.”

  “If this is all it takes for you to run off with your tail between your legs, then it’s probably a good thing. People might have counted on you.”

  John stood, wishing like hell he could get out of here. He went to the door and banged it so hard he felt it in his teeth. “You don’t know, Bella. My family, they’re all screwed up. I got so many aunts and uncles and cousins, and they all want something. Or they need something. I’ve been called to my aunt Francesca’s to scare my nephew Alex into eating his vegetables. She wanted me to take out my gun. Can you believe that shit?”

  “No.” Bella walked over to him. “I can’t believe any part of your family. I have no frame of reference for it, except for those unrealistic TV shows. There isn’t one person in my family, including my parents, who would kidnap anyone for me, let alone a cop. Sal may be a first-class jerk, but even he has people who care.

  “As for you, John Greco, I have the distinct feeling that this whole arrangement is just as much for your sake as it is for Sal’s.”

  “What, they’re doing me a favor by destroying my career?”

  “No. They’re putting themselves at risk so that you don’t lose your family.”

  “Wow,” he said. “Don’t get me wrong. You’re a hell of a brave woman and you’re real bright, but you couldn’t be further off the mark. They’re all scared of Nonna, that’s all. Scared she’ll curse them and then she’ll die. It’s got nothing to do with me. I can guarantee not one person in my family considered the consequences I’d face because of this fiasco.”

  He frowned. “They sure didn’t give a shit when the bastard shot me. I was the laughingstock of not just my precinct, but the whole goddamned NYPD. Greco’s moron cousin shoots him in the ass, isn’t that the funniest thing you ever heard? Shot in the ass trying to take down a chop shop. We’re not talking about drug dealers or bangers. A chop shop, and my own cousin, who I helped all through high school, shoots me so I can’t sit down for a month. And now this. I let the idiot get out of the country, and I can forget about promotions, let alone politics. I’m a joke. That’s what my family has done for me. A joke.”

  Bella’s eyes didn’t soften. From what he could see, the story hadn’t affected her at all. She didn’t blink or shrug or laugh. Nothing. Until she put her hand on the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss.


  BELLA DIDN’T HAVE TO wait more than a second for John to kiss her back. He took her mouth fiercely, thrusting his tongue between her lips and teeth. As he claimed her, his hands gripped her shoulders too tightly, but she didn’t whimper.

  She understood his anger. His pain. There was a price to be paid for living with his family, one she’d never have to experience.Which was worse? The disappointment when things went wrong, or knowing no one cared?

  Her parents loved her, but always from a distance. They were much more interested in the law firm, in the country club. Their bridge and tennis tournaments seemed to light them up more than any of her good grades or acting awards.

  But that didn’t mean John didn’t have a right to be angry. Let him hold her arms too tightly. Let him punish her with his kiss. She could do that for him. For tonight.

  He pulled back and then moved his lips to her jaw, to her neck as his hands released her, only to press down her back. She touched him in return, running her fingers into his hair as he nibbled and nipped her sensitive skin.

  It wasn’t just altruism. She wasn’t that nice. Yes, she liked him, but kissing him had been as much for her own benefit as his. She wasn’t scared anymore. Okay, a little scared. But come on. This day hadn’t just sucked for John. She’d lost a lot, who knows how much? She’d had a shot at the brass ring. She’d been scared out of her mind, embroiled in an insane plot that still wasn’t over. No one knew where she was. If she died tonight…

  She wasn’t going to die right now. Right now, she was going to take all the comfort she could find. And t
ry to give comfort in return.

  John’s mouth moved to her lips, more gently this time, the madness dampened a little. Well, that wouldn’t do. She needed to feel this.

  She pushed herself against him. An unmistakable message. His answer was in his erection, in his low moan.

  HE SHOULD BACK OFF. Now. Before the situation got completely out of hand. He had no business taking advantage of her. Hadn’t she been through enough today? She was vulnerable, and he hadn’t helped anything by whining about his problems. Not after what he’d done to her.

  If he’d pulled right over, the second he’d seen her in the back of the cab, maybe none of this would have happened. She’d have made it to her audition, and who knows? She could have been a star. Instead, she was trying to make him feel better. It didn’t matter that she was doing it right. Too right. God, how she felt to his hands, to his cock. He kissed her again. Just one more minute and then he’d step away. Tell her why this was a bad idea.It was Bella, instead, who pulled away. Not far. Just enough so he could taste her warm breath. “It’s okay,” she murmured. “I want this.”

  Shit. Guilt hit him square in the gut. He got away from her, halfway across the room before he knew he was safe. “It’s not okay. You’re scared. You’re a hostage. I may not have a future, but I’m still a cop tonight. I won’t do this and have you regret it when we get out of here. And we will get out.”

  She lowered her head a bit and looked at him with those big blue eyes. “That’s very sweet, Johnny. Seriously, I’m really glad you said every word. It makes my decision feel even better.”


  She nodded. “Can you come here?”

  He tilted his head, waiting to see what she had in mind. “Bella…”

  “Come on. I won’t bite. Just come here.”

  He couldn’t refuse her, but he’d have to be careful. Remember what was important and what was right. The closer he got to her, the harder his task became. Jesus, she was beautiful. Even in the murky light of the old lamp, she knocked him out. Her hair, her eyes. That damn sexy dress and what was under it. “I’m here. Now what?”

  “I want you,” she said. She didn’t touch him. Or act desperate or scared or tough. “I know exactly where we are, who I’m with and who’s outside that door. I want you. I would like to have something good happen tonight. Something I choose. I would like to remember this day not for losing an opportunity, but for taking the opportunity to connect with someone I like. Who I admire. Who I think is really hot. This doesn’t have to be the worst New Year’s Eve ever. Honest. So I’ll say it one more time, and then you have to make your decision. John, I want you.”

  The breath went out of him along with all the reasons he shouldn’t. She was right. There was a chance for something good here. That they both could choose.

  Something in his body must have told her what his choice was, because she was in his arms in two steps and her eyes were closing before his head even dipped. Her lips parted the second his mouth touched hers. He took his time, enjoying each second, each touch of her tongue, the hint of wine he tasted, the soft way she breathed. No need to rush. This would be a slow dip in a warm pool, and he planned on thinking of only her and how they could make each other feel good.

  When he ran his hands up her back to the zipper of that blue dress, she stopped him. He wasn’t worried, though. It wasn’t for long. She just led him to the couch, and then she leaned over to turn off the ugly lamp.

  It didn’t make that much of a difference. The basement had been growing darker by the moment, and now, at least, there were no concerns about prying eyes. Besides, he was a big fan of touch. Giving and receiving.

  Bella’s hands found his chest and made their slow way up his shirt to his collar, where she deftly loosened his necktie. A moment later and he felt it slip away. She took care of the top couple of buttons, then pushed his jacket off his shoulders until it joined his tie.

  “Your turn,” she whispered.

  He smiled as he decided to multitask. Taking her mouth first, he savored that pleasure for a bit. Then he moved his hands over her back, down to her waist, then back up her spine following the trail of her zipper. He reached the top of her dress and ran his fingers across the skin right above the neckline.

  She must have liked that if her thrusting tongue was any indication. When he began pulling her zipper down, she continued to show her approval. He liked this game and her willingness to play it. It made him very hopeful for a long and satisfying night.

  Finally, the zipper would go no farther. Now he could retrace the path on bare skin. He barely touched her. He wasn’t sure, but he thought he could feel the goose bumps he caused and he knew he felt her tremble.

  Mixing it up a little, he didn’t hesitate at all when he reached her neck. He dropped her dress where she stood, picturing it pooled around her feet. God, he’d like to see her in the light, even if it was just for a minute. It was unbelievable to picture her in her high heels with nothing on but panties and a bra. Which he had yet to explore.

  Her hands on his right wrist told him it was her turn once more. It wasn’t easy to relinquish his quest, even if it was only temporary. But he let her have her way. She unbuttoned his sleeves and then his shirt, her little brushes of nail or skin enough to keep him hard without making him too crazy.

  When his shirt fell, he stopped breathing as he waited for her hands to touch his chest. She didn’t make him wait long. He hoped she wasn’t one of those women who wanted mannequins instead of men, because he had hair. Not nearly as much as some of the apes he knew, but there was no mistaking that he was Italian.

  Her hands skimmed along his chest just above his skin. No one had ever done that before and the movement felt good, if a little weird. On the other hand, her soft little gasp of delight was great. Oh, God, her palms brushed over his nipples, and the sensation went all the way down to his cock. He grabbed her wrists, so small, and held her right there while he struggled to regain his control.

  BELLA SHIVERED AS HE held her steady, the feel of his strong hands holding her driving her right up the wall. In a good—no, the best—way. Combined with his utter maleness, she was lost. It was so tempting to finish this agonizingly wonderful stripping and get down to it, but no. They had all night. There was no rush. Just prolonged pleasure, and wasn’t that something. No thoughts wasted on who would go home, when to leave, what to say after. The door would open when the door opened, and not a second before.

  A bed would have been good, but what the hell. A couch had its own charm.His fingers released her and found her breasts. There was no squeezing them as if they might beep, which had happened too often, thank you. But then, John Greco was a grown man, not a boy in a man’s body. She liked that very much. Loved that he could appreciate this magnificent torment.

  Ah, he had discovered the lace that bordered the cups. This bra had cost a pretty penny, but she loved it, and the matching panties. Silk and lace, together again in a rare public appearance. He couldn’t even see how beautiful they were, but he might deduce their charm with his touch.

  Slowly, slowly, he circled her breasts with his index fingers, moving between the lace and the silk. Each rotation drew him closer to her very hard nipples. Two more trips, max, and then what would he do? Stop? Tweak?

  Neither. Just as he swirled his fingertip over her left areola, his mouth went to her right, where he captured the erect bud between his teeth and flicked the tip with his tongue. Even through the silk—maybe because it was through the silk—the sensation made her rise to the balls of her feet, let her head fall back as she moaned with a pleasure so unique, so specific, she would remember it for the rest of her life.

  He played her with exquisite precision, as if he had studied only her body for years in preparation for this night. “Oh, my God,” she said. “If you can do this with only my nipples…”

  He laughed. She hadn’t even realized she’d spoken aloud. “No, don’t stop.”

  “I thought we
were taking turns.”

  She took in a couple of breaths, coming back from the stratosphere. “Right. Yes. Just give me a second.”

  That mouth of his came down on hers. It was a lovely segue. When he pulled back, he whispered, “Hey, I was kidding. We can do whatever you want. Whenever you want it. I could probably get off just kissing you.”

  “Oh, that’s so sweet. A lie, but really sweet.” Her hands snuck between them and moved down his pants. She frowned at how thoughtless she’d been. “Poor baby. You must feel so…constrained.”

  “I can’t deny there’s been some pressure.”

  “Let’s see what we can do to ease the situation.”

  He kissed her forehead. Not on purpose. He hadn’t realized she was moving south. Unbuttoning and unzipping as she made her slow way.

  Once his pants had fallen to the ever-increasing mound of clothing on the carpet, she didn’t wait another second to send his boxers down with them.

  He gasped his surprise, but just waited. Her hand encircled the base of his cock and her mouth did the same to the crown.

  Now that was a gasp of surprise.

  SHE SMILED AT HIS IMPRESSIVE girth and swirled her tongue as she explored him. She was glad to find that while he was unquestionably male, he was also considerate. Everything was trim and tidy, very much the same aesthetic she preferred for herself.

  “Why are you giggling?” he asked, but only after he’d cleared his throat.She hummed to let him know she wasn’t laughing at him, letting her mouth prove it.

  He touched the back of her head very softly. Clearly he didn’t want her to worry that he would get carried away. No problem, because she couldn’t stay in this crouch much longer. She wanted to be naked, and she wanted him to take off his own shoes and socks. That was too much of a gray area for her.

  She left him with a big lick all the way from root to tip.

  Then she was on her feet, reaching back to undo her bra.